Hotel & Pricing

Book your stay today for the Living Rare Forum and the Rare Impact Awards®!


The Living Rare Forum Will Be Held At:
The Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City Hotel
555 Universal Hollywood Dr
Universal City CA 91608


NORD has reserved a block of rooms at a discount rate of $259/night plus taxes and fees for our conference attendees. Please book directly via our reservations link or by calling the hotel directly at 818-623-1434 from 7am-7pm, Monday-Sunday and letting them know you are coming for the NORD Living Rare Forum.  Please refer to the group code LRLS when booking.

  • Hotel Reservations must be made no later than 11:59PM PST on May 10, 2024.
  • Please contact the hotel directly with any ADA needs or special accommodation requests.
  • Please note, anyone utilizing NORD travel and lodging assistance must book with the hotel room block.


Book Your Stay

NORD makes every effort to keep attendee expenses as low as possible for the forum. We have negotiated the best hotel rates with the Hilton, and we encourage all participants to book your hotel within our negotiated room block.

NORD does not work with any third-party booking company. To guarantee your reservation, please book via the link above or by calling the hotel reservations line directly at 1-800-468-3571.

Parking Details:

The hotel offers daily onsite self-parking for $16 per day or valet parking is available for $24. Taxes and fees apply. Overnight self-parking is available for $40/night or $50 valet.

Do you have questions about travel and lodging assistance? Check out our FAQs.

EVENT PRICINGEarly Bird Pricing
(By 4/30/2024)
Standard Rate
(By 6/7/24)
Patient / Caregiver No FeeNo Fee
NORD Member Organization / Student$100 $125
Professional Advocate/Academic/Physician/Government  $225$250
NORD Corporate Council Member $1,300$1,500
Industry (Pharma, Service Provider, Co-Pay Foundation) $1,500$1,700

Pricing includes all activities. Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover) are accepted.

Register by April 30, 2024 to receive a complimentary forum t-shirt and bag.

NORD is working with various airlines to provide our conference attendees with discounted travel opportunities.

Delta Air Lines is pleased to offer special discounts for the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD®).

Please click here to book your flights.

You may also call the Delta Meeting Network® at 1.800.328.1111* Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. (EST) and refer to Meeting Event Code NM2ZM.
*Please note there is not a service fee for reservations booked and ticketed via our reservation
800 number.

Book Your Flight

United Airlines is pleased to Partner with National Organization for Rare Disorders.

Please click here to book your flights and use discount code ZNSX667316.

You may also call the United Meetings Reservation Desk Monday-Friday at (800) 426-1122 for booking assistance. Booking fees are waived for Meeting reservations.

Book Your Flight