Patel, Irfan

Speaker Information
First Name
Last Name
[email protected]
(302) 690-2706
Job Title
Delaware RAN Ambassador
As we develop programs and resources to empower our diverse community, we ask participants to select the response that best reflects their race and or ethnicity:
Asian or Asian American
What rare disease(s) do you represent?
Methylmalonic Acidemia
How many years have you been involved with rare diseases?
10+ years
Irfan and his wife Farheen have four children, two of whom have a rare metabolic condition called methylmalonic acidemia (MMA). Their genetic disorder led to complications necessitating multiple organ transplants for both affected children. Irfan himself received a diagnosis of another rare condition, combined malonic and methylmalonic acidemia (CMAMMA), a few years ago. He passionately supports, advocates for, and actively participates in initiatives for the rare disease community. His dedication involves tirelessly raising awareness about the challenges faced by individuals with rare diseases. Irfan has successfully collaborated with state legislators and the Governor’s office to establish Rare Disease day resolutions and proclamations. His relentless efforts were instrumental in including organic acidemia in the Delaware Newborn Screening program. Additionally, he holds the role of Ambassador for the Delaware Rare Action Network.Irfan and his son Yusuf (MMA Mut0) were honored by the Governor’s office for their impactful advocacy work. They were recognized as recipients of the Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer awards for Advocacy.

In his professional capacity, Irfan works at TE Connectivity as a senior strategy and portfolio leader. He also dedicates his time to serving on the boards of several non-profit organizations, driven by a strong belief in contributing to society’s welfare.

Travel Distance from Los Angeles, CA:
2400 miles
Presentation Information
Proposed Presentation Title
Caregiving challenges in immigrant communities
Presentation Summary
The purpose of this session is to highlight the challenges faced by caregivers especially immigrants who lack a broader support base.
Have you spoken previously for NORD?
  • Yes


If Yes, at which event (Name and Date)
National Caregiving month panel discussion (11/30/23)
Have you previously spoken at any rare disease events or are you planning to speak at any upcoming events within the next year?
  • Yes


If yes, please list the name and dates of your speaking engagements .
Spoke multiple times, since 2015, on the Rare disease day proclamation events at the State House. Hosted virtual rare disease day events in 2021 and 2022.
Please provide up to 3 examples of previous presentation experience, include links to videos if applicable.
1 Rare disease commemoration at local community non-profit events targeted towards the challenges faced by first generation immigrants2. Presented at local schools in creating awareness on rare diseases and the impact on the student population.

3. Have been regularly interviewed by multiple local TV stations and local newspapers on rare disease community

Target Audience:
Caregivers (preferably with first generation immigrant background)Social workers

Doctors and Nurses

Non profits who work on healthcare access framework

Learning Outcomes:
1. Understanding of challenges that are unique to the migrant demographics2. It will help the health care centers to cater their care plan (especially aftercare services)

3. It will also help social workers to work on resources to support this demographic

As a potential speaker for the Living Rare Living Stronger Patient and Family Forum I agree: